Thursday, February 15, 2007

What should I wear?

What does one wear to their mastectomy? I guess a bra is not necessary...The wierd thoughts and odd commentary that has popped into my brain at times during the last week is amazing to me. Like yesterday when I was on my way to get my haircut and I found myself wondering if this means I can go topless on the beach...

Today is the day and I am not particularly pulled together. I did manage to find my living will and power of attorney, just in case. I am hungry and would like a large latte. I have also been busy cleaning and catching up on laundry. It was also a sleepless night with a 3:30 am pedicure, lots of over night news and 2 crossword puzzles. I gave up on reading. I can't concentrate on anything that I have to comprehend.

We will be leaving for the hospital in a couple of hours. I want Mary to take a couple of 'before' pictures, in case I decide to have reconstructive surgery down the road. I have read all of the emails of support and encouragement. I am touched at what an incredible support system I have, from all parts of this country as well as Norway! With that much good energy supporting me, things are bound to go well.

Thanks to everyone. Take care of Mary Mohn while I am asleep.


Bart said...

Hmmm??? What does one wear to their mastectomy? ANYTHING you want! Praying for you and Mohn and asking God to place his hand on your skillful surgeon's...may the goalie gods be with you. Talk to you soon.
Bart #22

grahsl35 said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I wish you health and happiness. Take care, Heidi Grahsl (05' St Kate Nursing Grad)

Angie said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you! And topless at the beach sounds like an excellent plan!

Angie Ryter and Denise Lien