Monday, June 16, 2008

The Breast Cancer 3-Day

The slogan for the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk is...everyone deserves a lifetime. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer I began to reconsider how long a lifetime was. Was it only 48 years? Fortunately for me, I believe it will be much longer. But for many women diagnosed with breast cancer, a lifetime is not that long. The Breast Cancer 3-Day walk is a fundraiser. Thousands of people, across the country will be walking 60 miles over the course of 3 days to raise money for breast cancer research, treatment and awareness. My sister Pat is one of those walkers. She has surprised me. She is a quiet sole who keeps most things to herself. She has never really shared with me what it was like for her to have her sister diagnosed with cancer. I sometimes worry about her silence but she does seem to manage it all pretty well.

Anyway. Last year I worked on the medical crew for the Twin Cities 3-Day event. I was just past chemo and didn't have the energy so I worked instead. It was a powerful experience for me and I met some incredible women along the way. As I was sharing my experiences with Pat after the event, she told me she was going to walk this year. Okay. We'll see...she can be kind of procrastinator. I told her if she did the walk, I would be her fund raising manager (she has to raise $2200). Much to my surprise, she registered. She printed out the suggested training schedule and has been walking since early this year, training for the event. Even though we have had a rather cold, wet spring, she has been out there with her training walks. And now the pressure is on help her to raise the funds.

And that's where you all come in. If you have ever been affected by breast cancer in any way, please consider a donation to my sister's walk. You can click on the link to the right and it will take you directly to a donation page. You can use plastic online to donate or print a donation form and send your donation in. We've also planned a couple of fun events for the summer which you might be interested in. Sunday, August 24 we are having a wine tasting cruise aboard our boat. Join us for an evening cruise (6-10 pm). Bring a bottle of wine to share and we'll do the rest. Hopefully you'll have such a great time, you will want to throw some cash at my sister too.

Here are some links to the Breast Cancer 3-Day Site and to my sister, Pat Eggert's 3-Day webpage. Check them out. It is a wonderful cause because we all deserve a lifetime.


Unknown said...

What an incredible slogan! There is a big breast cancer campaign going on here in Australia at the moment but I haven't seen "everyone deserves a lifetime" attached to it.

One of the countries most prominent women affacted by breast cancer (Jane McGrath) passed away on Sunday (after 11 years) and by all accounts the donation rate to her chairity is going through the roof. It is sad that her passing was the catalyst for the wake-up call but at least people are doing something positive to honor her work.