Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

Ahh....the dog days of summer. When there is nothing to do but lounge in the water with your favorite people and canines. Yesterday was quite warm so we took to the beach for an afternoon of relaxation. Last summer Piper was terrified of the water. She would run from waves as they hit the beach. She never got her paws yet except for the one time in which she fell off the dock. Most of this summer it has been the same although she would walk in the water, getting just her paws yet. Yesterday we had a breakthrough. We weren't able to get the 'Mother Ship' all the way up the beach and the water was about 6 inches deep at the end of the ladder. When torn with the need to go through water to go potty or stay on the boat, she opted to get off. OK...she needed some encouragement. But then she discovered how much fun it was and spent the rest of the afternoon splashing through the water and playing with Kaja. I don't think she will ever be a recreational swimmer like our Kaja is but she did discover the water is an enjoyable place to be on a warm afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Oh Chels and Piper are alike. Chels is a definite 'up to the knees' girl. She has a ball, but shes not going any deeper for anyone...Now that i think about your post I dont think I have met a Dane that swims...

Oh I envy you your summer. Tis cold here and all that is keeping me warm is Chels stretched out on the