My cancer phobia. Yesterday morning in the shower I found a lump. In my left armpit. It is obviously a lymph node...approximately 2.5 cm, firm, non-tender and not infected. I came out of the shower yelling that Stoller missed one. Mary thought I had slipped over the edge for sure this time. Of course I was on the phone to the Piper Center in minutes. Darla, one of the nurse called me back. We talked and she had a lot of reasons why this was a reactive condition rather than a missed cancerous node. Things like the airplane flight to Florida (we drove), swimming in salt water (haven't put one toe in the ocean yet), change in activity level (I've slept more since leaving MN than since my surgery), or cutting my armpit while shaving (no, not even a nick). Then she said that cancerous nodes don't "grow overnight." She concluded our phone call with the sage advice "Don't forget the sunscreen." As always, she was kind and compassionate. Ok. But let's go back to the node. Of course, I have rechecked it multiple times since discovering it. It's still there...I am trying not to focus on it and worry constantly. After all, I am in paradise.
Paradise was interrupted at 6:03 am today when the fire alarm went off in the building. Typically, I stayed in bed while Mary Mohn got dressed and went into the hall to check things out. I figured if there were smoke or an actual fire, she would come back for me. We are on the 18th floor and I didn't want to expend needless energy evacuating myself for nothing. All is well and it was a false alarm (thanks spring breakers...all that is evil in the world is because
of spring breakers this week!). Now, she is back in bed sleeping and I am wide awake watching a spectacular sunrise over the Atlantic.

In true vacation style, we have no plan for the day. You can picture us in any one of these chairs or perhaps a bit further east, lying on the beach. Yesterday we did a casino boat trip. Something for everyone...boat trip for me and casino for Mary. I sat outside on the deck and relaxed, watching dolphins and pelicans while she lost some money. She assures me it wasn't much.
And now, a walk on the beach.
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