In the past month since my diagnosis, I have really tried to find the positive things in having cancer. I have two more things to mention today: menopause and mammograms.
My period began yesterday. My LAST period! When women get to be my age we start having irregular periods and funny little symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. Each month we wonder hopefully, if this will be our last period. For me, this is it! The last one...because I start chemotherapy in early April which will stop my periods at least temporarily. At the end of my chemo I will be placed on tamoxifen for the next 5 years. That will further suppress ovarian function (and double my risk of ovarian cancer~but that's for another day) keeping me in menopause. By the time I am finished with tamoxifen, I will be nearing 54 years of age. Well into the time of my life in which I am naturally menopausal, therefore, I began my last period yesterday. Ironically, as I am writing this post, I am having a hot flash. Sweat is dripping from me and Mary just brought me towel.
I remember sneaking tampons from my mother's stock when I was in high school. Tampax was
her brand and this started a life long relationship for me as well. I wonder how much I have spend on tampons during my life. The last time I bought tampons, I bought just the box of 20. I wonder how much I have spent on tampons in my lifetime That was before my diagnosis. I was hopeful that I wouldn't need them for much longer and I was right. I am ending a 31 year r
elationship with Proctor and Gamble, makers of lots of common household products like Tide and Dawn. Look around your house and you'll likely find their presence. I doubt their stock will fucuate any since we still will be buying other P&G products like dog food but they won't be making any money on my tampon purchases!

I will never need to have another mammogram either. No breasts=no mammograms! I will worry about other things. Like yesterday when I woke up with a headache for no good reason. Is it a brain tumor?
I guess when you get to a certain age, it is always something.
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