This week I got a new tatoo. Not a permanent one, a temporary henna tatoo on my head! Long before I was bald I found a website called Chemo Chicks (
http://www.chemochicks.com/home.htm) where they sold different types of products for women going through chemo therapy. One thing they have are stencils for temporary head tatoos. I ordered one along with the henna kit. Finally this week I went to see my friend Chuck (my hair guy) and had one applied to my bald noogin.
The first step was to transfer to my head. Some eucalyptus oil first then the ink from the paper transferred to my head.
From there, Chuck used a small plastic applicator to trace the pattern with henna.

After that the henna stayed on for 6 hours. I was able to wash it off later in the evening and I was left with an iteresting and intricate pattern on my head. It should last a week or so and is a fun alternative to being bald!
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