My chemo is done and it's time to feel better. That's what I think but apparently that is not what my body thinks. I was under the misguided assumption that I would finish my chemo and feel better and be done. Today is 8 days past my last treatment and I feel awful again. Thankfully Mary is home and let me sleep for hours.
I just finished talking to Lucy, one of my favorite Children's Hospitals and Clinics pharmacists. I wanted to know more about the pharmacology of my chemo drugs, doxorubicin in particular. That seems to be the one that has the most significant side effects. She kindly informed me that it takes 21-28 days after your last treatment for your body to completely clear the drug. Great. My last treatment was May 14. Some not so quick thinking (chemo brain) and I figure it will be mid-June before this drug clears my body completely. I am assuming that I will continue to feel crummy and tired until then. I am also assuming that it will take a while before my hair comes back in, although I am getting used to being bald and don't even see the stares of people any more!

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