Tuesday, March 04, 2008

So when is your surgery?

Hmmm....that is a good question. My hysterectomy was scheduled for tomorrow, March 5. With just 36 hours remaining in my countdown, I learned it was cancelled. Something about a surgeon who was "really sick." Of course I don't want my surgery done by someone who is "really sick" but really...don't these people have back-up plans? Apparently not.

Let's just recap (and this is going to turn into a rant...but it is MY blog and I can do that if I want to). This surgery was scheduled in December when I was in the midst of some rather unpleasant tamoxifen-related side effects. I decided to wait until March to do it rather than January because this date would give me more time to 'get my affairs in order' and was not during the height of the illness season. Had I not been trying to be good to my students and co-workers, I would be fully recovered by now. But NOOOOOO......instead I have spent (literally) the last 2 months working extra shifts in the ED to build up some extra time as well as planning and posting all of my curriculum for the remainder of the school year. This has created some very long days, particularly in the last 2 weeks.

Additionally, Mary had to make some work exchanges. These are days she will have to work later in the year to repay those that are working for her. With both of our jobs, once you cover your shifts you don't get to change your mind and take them back. You just have time off...in March...with no specific plans. Furthermore, Mary and I planned our vacation around this. We currently have an unused condo in Orlando because we thought it would be too soon for me to travel.

And then there's my hockey team...we qualified for the state tournament this year. An unexpected and very exciting first. As we approached our final games with the possibility of a state tournament in our future, I encouraged the coaches and captains to look for a sub. They have found one who is excited to be playing in the tournament with our team. I am now replaced.

So am I mad? Yes. Not only do I have to live with the continued side effects of tamoxifen, but this little ripple has caused a tsunami in my life. And my choices? Wait until my surgeon returns to work in JULY (she's pregnant and tomorrow was her last surgery day before her delivery) or find a new surgeon. Right now, neither of these options are appealing to me.

And aside from all of the inconveniences, there is the issue of another surgery. I wanted to have my extra parts removed. They are hollow organs located deep in the body which provide a wonderful hiding place for cancer cells. Having the hysterectomy is another step toward stashing the cancer firmly in my past. But I can't do that yet. I can wait and wonder longer. My last breast cancer tumor marker was up some. From my limited understanding of oncology laboratory values, tumor markers are not supposed to increase. When I got the results, I was going to wait to figure that out until after my surgery. So now that I am not having surgery, I have to confront that. And I am scared.

And I am tired...and frustrated...and crabby.


Unknown said...

I can't pretend to have been through something similar but I do feel your fear and the myriad of other emotions welling up. I have no glib cliches that will make it all go away.

I can suggest that if you have time off, you invest that time on you - long bubble baths, massages, meditations, candles, good books - whatever makes you feel positive and nurtured.

The world will keep turning in it's own weird way whatever you do so you may as well love yourself and than special to you - there are worse ways to pass the time.

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I can so understand your anger and frustration, it must feel as if the Gods are conspiring against you and you are screaming at the moon...

July seems so far away (sorry for stating the bleeding obvious) & all the help I can be is useless to none... Sorry love... the main thing i feel is to stay informed...with the cancer, hysterectomy etc, that helps me with fear of the unknown..and keep asking questions...

Its so hard when you feel you are doing all the 'right' things yet nothing is falling into place...

If I was there I would give you a big hug and say 'have a good bloody cry'... so you will have to settle for a virtual one.. and all the positive woman vibes I can send...x

pita-woman said...

Good grief! Indeed, you'd think your surgeon would have another doctor that is on-call to back her up.
Well, if you have the time off coming to you this month that you have to use, can you not go ahead and take that vacation to Florida or someplace else, just to get away and treat yourself?