Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Creamy White Filling

I had my surgery yesterday and it went very well. The surgeon came to meet with the two of us in the preoperative area. He went through his talk, finishing with he would meet with Mary when I went to the recovery room. He summed it all up by asking if either of us had other questions. My partner asked him what he would be putting into my abdomen to fill in the space. He looked a bit confusing, like he didn't understand the question. She went on to make some suggestions...packing peanuts, blown-in insulation, and creamy white filling~the stuffing from stuffed toys. He caught on and started laughing, asking me what I would prefer. Mary suggested that packing peanuts would be too lumpy and Piper would want to get the creamy white filling out since that is one of her favorite treats. I think it is good to have your surgeon laughing before he starts cutting on you.

I went into surgery at 11:10 and was awake in the recovery room just after 2:00 pm. We were home just after 7:00 last night. Hysterectomies used to be done through a large open incision with a hospitalization that lasted up to 10 days. Things are different and it was great to sleep in my own bed last night. Of course, I have Mary dotting on me. "What's your pain level now?" "Can I get you anything?" She is also running interference with my large puppy who seems to think that if I am laying down it is to hold her. Right now, that would be a bit painful for me.

All things considered, I am doing great!


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

So glad your fine..tis amazing these things are day surgury now...I know what you mean about large scars...my mum had one and it used to give me the heebies...

but just because its day surgery dont you go doing too much too fast..your bodys had a wee shock..let mary care for you a little bit, its nice when someone can do that for you...your lucky to have each other...smile (listen to me the relationship expert...not) but you know what i mean...

I'm just glad its now in the past tense...take care beautiful lady...

Unknown said...

Ditto from me!

I must admit I didn't realize it was day surgery and have been thinking about you all week figuring you would still be in hospital lol! It is so lovely to be wrong at times like this :-)

I wish you all the good health in the world M, it must surely be your turn :-) And I am so glad you have someone doting on you - good onya Mary :-)